Imran Vora Reaction on Training

Imran Vora
Its My owner to Write something here for the Excel PTP Solutions, yes was join as fresher on Android Technology and also doing my job in another profile but my in future i thinking to move on Mobile apps development so finally i join PTP programs.
it was really good experience here to learn from the scratches till you not be confidant to develop your own app, and i learn from here lot and then continue to work as own development and toady working with one of reputed company in Ahmadabad, happy with this training for his support and learning.
With Regards.
Imran Vora,
Software Engineer,
SEED Infotech Ltd Limited
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Vijay Patel
Excel PTP is the only name which I found providing such efficient training on Mobile technology with job Guarantees on paper & I enrolled for the same with my Friends on PTP-4 Android program, eventually ended up building my own Android App too. during this professional Training program got job offer from Q Soft Systems and Solutions, Ahmadabad and finally going to join with my friends. If you are Still finding good jobs & serious about your carrier, Excel PTP is the perfect place.
With Regards.
Vijay Patel,
Android Developer
QSoft Systems Solutions

Priyank Gandhi
My Self Priyank Gandhi, i join Excel PTP program four months ago as Jr. iPhone app developer trainee . i got real Experience on mobile app iPhone Technology on basic level.
Excel PTP is a company not a institute or classes, and it is a division of Amar infotech Software company in Ahmadabad, that was my good luck to found ExcelPTP rather than any institute i learn much in a very short time because ExcelPTP are flexible to giving knowledge & the trainers depend on us as fast we can move to learn they ready to covered maximum stuff as per our limit. just after i completed my 3rd month i got job offer from BSP Technologies – Ahmadabad and i join it as Jr. iOS Developer.
With Regards.
Priyank Gandhi,
iOs Developer
BSP Technologies – Ahmadabad.

Vishal Patel
i am Vishal Patel, i m doing job at Amar infotech as mobile app Developer on Andoid, i join Amar infotech’s PTP program as final year training program Because i got
selected in Campus inteview at my collage by Amar infotech.
This is golden chance for me to have training at PTP and as employment working with Amar InfoTech company. During my Training program i got Excellent Skill by TL of AI and mid on this training program working on Live project. live mean Real Live Requirement on android and it was nice Experience during my training.
Thanks to Amar infotech for giving me job opportunity.
With Regards.
Vishal Patel,
Android App Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.