What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Renish Savaliya Reaction on Training

Renish Savaliya

"I underwent web design training with them, and I am truly grateful for their trust in me and the opportunity to work in their company. Freshers, seize the chance to build a career from this experience"

Renish Savaliya,
FrontEnd Developer
ATP Ltd. | Ahmedabad

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Poonam Patel

I Am Poonam Patel and was join Excel PTP Training PTP-4 in PHP Technology, i join this training program with my Existing job on SEO. i want to Switch my job from SEO Executive to Software developer thats why i join Excel PTP. Bcoz this is only a company who give me real Skilled knowledge as every company need it as fresher or atleast 6 month Exp. Developer.

I join this program with my colleagues we both join php training. just after 2 month of Core php training we move on Cake PHP Framework to work during this training program and really it was great Experience to learn new Stuff during this program. i am thankful to all my team of Excel PTP to provide me such a sound good platform to Enhance my Resumes. thank you.

With Regards.
Poonam Patel,
PHP Developer
Zatun Game Studio

Dholakiya Darshan

“Training at this institute has been incredibly valuable and beneficial. The guidance and support provided by the instructor have been highly helpful in assisting students like myself. I would like to request some minor improvements in the development of the training program, as I believe it can further enhance the overall experience.”

Dholakiya Darshan,
FrontEnd Developer
Creensight | Ahmedabad

Nikhil Detroja

i’M Nikhil and done my Training from Excel ptp program as Fresher and My feedback is that the course is very practical and easy to follow. I really liked the heavy use of examples – in particular the before and after examples that clearly illustrated the difference programming can make…

And in Edition this course helped immensely as my new job involved programming, MVC Structure, Frameworks, designing a website, troubleshooting and responsive part for a number of websites Demo so can give best output for real part live work that I am responsible for… so in short it was nice Experience and always prefer this Company to learn from basic to unlimited … Bcoz no Course Contents ….. 🙂

With Regards.
Nikhil Detroja,
PHP Developer
TechiesTown InfoTech