What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Parth Amodkar Reaction on Training

Parth Amodkar

I am Parth Amodkar and living in Ahmedabad. and before i join Excel PTP i was already done my Enginnering from GTU from Ahmedabad but the after not satisfied from my own work and then i join Excel PTP - Ahmadabad. i got to know about this Company from Search Engine and look like corporate from look and from reviews so i went to get inquiry there and join this course in Ahmadabad.

i really appreciate their work to deliver training and i learn much over , CSS3, HTML5, PSD  Design, JS, responsive etc ... as web designer and back to my home town to work with IT Companies as web designer. i am very thankful to Excel ptp.

With Regards.
Parth Amodkar,
Web Designer
Seven Digital Technology

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Prince Nai

“ExcelPTP provides the best training for web developers. The hands-on approach and expert guidance significantly enhanced my skills. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to advance their career.”

Prince Nai ,
Web Developer,
ATPL, Ahmedabad

Deepa Barad

Hello I am Deepa Barad and i had done my Training at Excel ptp as four months with my Friends, Nita and Alpa Mory, 2014.Same as Alpa and Nita also got job offer from Amar Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. but due to my another ambition to do ME & i got admition  at Gardi Collage at Rajkot and move with it. but if i said about Excel ptp then it’s a best place to learn IT Technology and for Web Design thank you PTP.

With Regards.
Deepa Barad,
Web Designer
Excel ptp Solutions

Fenil Shingala

“Web Designing Training in Ahmedabad: Ideal for non-IT graduates looking to enter the world of web design and gain valuable skills in the industry.”

Fenil Shingala,
Web Design
City Business Group | Ahmedabad