What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Easha Tekumalla Reaction on Training

Easha Tekumalla

Hello This is Easha Tekumalla from Visakhapatnam, i heard a lot regarding Excel ptp from my Friends and relative who live in Ahmadabad and also take reviews from Google and other Trainees who already taken training from PTP.

i join this Course for Android Technology, before i join i am little bit aware with Core java Stuffs but for Android i was at zero level even dont know how to instal it ! but once my training done i am able to work on live work and done my 2 projects on it. Now I have a solid career roadmap. Thanks to Excel PTP.

With Regards.
Easha Tekumalla,
Android Developer
IBM, Banglore

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Divyesh Sorathiya

“At ExcelPTP didn’t meet my initial expectations, but then after I’m grateful for the opportunity. Despite this, I secured a job with a 2.6 LPA package. I believe there’s room for improvement, and I’m confident that my suggestions will be considered. Nonetheless, I’m appreciative of the outcome.”

Divyesh Sorathiya,
Flutter Developer,
Height8 Technologies, Ahmedabad

Mayur Bharda

Ideal Destination for Accelerating Your Career: An Exceptional Environment with Optimal Placement Assistance. best for flutter app development in Ahmedabad

-Mayur Bharda ,
Flutter app Developer
Auxesys Systems Pvt. Ltd.| Ahmedabad

Kavitansh Chander

Dear Friends this is Kavitansh Sharma and sharing my Feedback for Excel PTP Training program: Choosing Excel PTP for mobile app Development Course is one of my best decisions ever.I took admission in App Development for Four months Regular Track. The infrastructure and environment at Excel PTP is really appreciable. I couldn’t imagine myself getting a job in Mob. App Development before PTP joined. I got placed in Kalldesk UCIL. I would like to Thank all the staffs for their extended Support and facilities.

With Regards.
Kavitansh Chander,
Android Developer
Kalldesk UCIL.