What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Darshan Thakkar Reaction on Training

Darshan Thakkar

Hello All, I am Darshan Thakkar, i was doing job as Lecturer at G.B. Parmar Collage in BCA unit last 2 years, and before that was Lecturer at NIIT Ltd Ahmadabad near about one year and before that was employed as Supervisor instructor at ITI. so its near about 5 year i spent in teaching Fields and i always thought to move in IT programming side, but never get a chance and company who give me opportunity like this.

And one-day from internet surfing i got reference of PTP program a division of Amar infotech who give professional training and job opportunity. i meet them and gathering all necessary information as i want and i like it rather then any others because i aware the kind of few training institutes like Tops Tech, HCL and NIIT and i know his way of working. after getting ans showing AI and its PTP program then after truly believes its not a any kind of IT Training institute / Classes / Academy, its in real word IT professional Company and giving his best effort to share his Experience and give jobs after this PTP programs.

i recently done one of this PTP program at AI, and just after completing my 3 months with PTP program getting jobs at www.techsture.com as software developer with good package much than my expectation. really finally i work with IT company as Software developer and my Last long Dreams Archived. this is all Credit goes to AI and it Professional Training program.

With Regards.
Darshan Thakkar,
.Net Developer
TechSture Technologies

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Preyash Tailor

I am Preyash Tailor, I join PTP program after my Post Graduation and some of time passing in teaching. I want to make my carrier in Development. My interest is to be a good programmer and thats why i looking for good company who give me a real experience in development. i got a reference from google Search about ExcelPTP and Amar infotech Company that they provide training and job and also i heard much about this PTP – professional training program in Ahmadabad so one day i visit personally and met Dilip Sir and Vipul Sir,totally satisfied after talking with him and i realize may be i got knowledge as i want and i join it.

Then after 3 month i got job offer from Amar Technolabs Pvt.Ltd and now working as Jr. PHP Developer here. Really like to say it is great Experience for me doing training here and for the job opportunity. Thanks ExcelPTP and AI.Thank You

With Regards.
Preyash Tailor,
PHP Developer
ATP Limited

Sachin Nariya

Hi Friends I am Naria Sachin, I join PTP program after my Graduation (G.K.C.K. Bosmaiya Collage – Jetpur) and lot of time passing in teaching. I want to make my carrier in Development field.During of my Training period i got a job offer this moment is a best ever in my life that today i got offer from a company and now i work with them as Developer. i really like to say thanks to Excel PTP Placement Cell and AI Trainer Team to provide me best platform Ever. thank you so much.

With Regards.
Sachin Nariya,
PHP Developer

Heena K. Patel

As the AI PTP training is given from basic to advanced, it has gone in a systematic way. Good to prepare for future assignments.

With Regards.
Heena K. Patel
Software Developer
Excel PTP Solutions.