What Student Say About ExcelPTP


Bhavin Pokiya Reaction on Training

Bhavin Pokiya

I Am Pokiya Bhavin, was join Excel PTP to start my IT Career in Asp.net Technology as Fresher. just after copleted my Graduation i was tried to search job but lack of my ability was failed all the time in inerviews so i decided to join Excel PTP Professional Training Program to learn much on it.

during my Training i got Satisfaction Skilled knowledge on microsoft Technologies and after conducting few interviews during this training program got job offer from i Boon Technologies - Ahmedabad & I-Engineering, Inc. - Ahemadabad to work with them. so in short and sweet words like to say thanks to all my entire Team of Excel PTP.

With Regards.
Bhavin Pokiya,
.Net Developer
I-Engineering, Inc. - Ahemadabad

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Rahul Saxena

Hii all, i am Rahul Saxena and doing my Graduation at BK Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology and i a basically from Jaipur. i come to know more about Amar infoech and It’s Training program Excel PTP in Ahmadabad, so i join it for my inter Academic Project training for 45 days.

It was great Experience i must say, because before i join even i dont know tho Visual Studio, Queries OLDB… i am taally null in that. but their Trainer give me a training from basic steps like from C and C++ Fundas and hen Asp.net…. in a just few days i aware of all that things and in a just 45 days i made one small website on CMS and it was totally dynamic site. and now defiantly i can develop it by myself other things itself. it is really a good company and specially like to say thanks to all that trainers cum employees of AI and Excel ptp training programs… And after i done this all code here and bake to my Academic i got Selected in Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.. it was a nice Experience i had ever with excel ptp.

With Regards.
Rahul Saxena,
Jr. Software Engg.
Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.

Mahesh Prajapati

Hi friends, my name is mahesh prajapati. I completed my BE in Computer Science & Technology. After completing BE i joined my family business till 1 year then i joined Amar InfoTech as .Net Trainee. Guys!Here,they provide me great guideline as well as developing skill and also they built my confident level because there is so much difficult to start .Net programming after 1 year time gap but They guides me from base to current technology. and after this training finally i got job offer from Amar InfoTech. Another things that i like is that, employees treat me with live Example and excellent knowledge that really extraordinary. If you want to become a good .Net developer with jumble confident level then visit Amar InfoTech

With Regards.
Mahesh Prajapati,
Software Developer
Amar Technolabs Pvt Ltd.

Kiran Sagar

My Self Kiran, and i was the one of Trainee of ExcelPTP First Batch in Ahmadabad on 2008-09. that time ExcelPTP and Amar infotech are same and i join as freshers as trainee. and then just after 3 month also get job opportunity at Amar infotech, and then got employment with ISM -Ahmadabad and now presently work with Infosys in pune.

This is all journey is kind of dream for me, and with confidence i must say that basic platform from initial level to advance one only got at PTP program and also they give me job opportunity and then after 18 month work with them i move with another opportunity… Excel PTP is best platform to all new comers in IT for taking professional and corporate training to making their bright career. thank you.

With Regards.
Kiran Sagar,
Software Developer
Infosys, Pune