Ankit Timbadiya Reaction on Training

Ankit Timbadiya
I programmed my carrier as iphone app Developer from ExcelPTP. I was very tired while finding job. Many people suggest me to have training in latest technologies. so i was choose PTP as professional Training program on Ios Development.
if i share my Experience for this training then it was perfect for fresher to learn from base point and one important part of this training is practical based and trainer are the iphone app developer not only one but all the team of ios will be your trainer and tech you how can start from beginning and ASAP can able to work on live project. - just Amazing and was happy.
With Regards.
Ankit Timbadiya,
Iphone App Developer,
Samif InfoMedia Pvt.Ltd
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Jagadish Paryani
While i join Excel PTP as part of my Career new innings coz was working as support Engg. and before join PTP program was taking my training at vakratunda infotech but in between i drop there and then join here. was good experience than previous one and now working at Sculpt Soft Pvt. Ltd. as Android developer.
yes one more i like to say i dont know why most of training companies not prefer live application during training program and same i Expect from everyone but i only got once i start my job. so it has many limitation too but if i talk about skill and knowledge yes was good and happy thank you.
With Regards.
Jagadish Paryani,
Android Developer,
Sculpt Soft Pvt. Ltd.

Aarti Shahu
this is aarti shahu, was join Excel ptp with my friends and both BCA graduate, initially we feel difficult to move in Android but finally crack it and enter in programming world.
really good thought, learning method, appreciation while we get failed in few interview. and now working with DevERP Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
With Regards.
Aarti Shahu,
Android Developer
DevERP Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Sayed Azhar
Hi Friends, This is Sayed Azhar and Im From Rajasthan, i join Excel PTP in Ahmadabad for Android Training. i come to know about this professional training from the internet Google Search Engine. then i thought to visit this company once and then decide is it right company for my better future or not!
Friends while i visited asked many questions to HR manager and really i feel good because i got all the answer and make it clear all my doubt that this is the right choice for me & then just join this program in PTP-4. while i am working as trainee at Excelptp and in free time also doing part time job in Ahmadabad. and just after 2 month i got opportunity from Syntel Inc. as jr. software Engg. & Also got job offer from Amar infotech at the same time, so this is good opportunity fr me and finally i join Syntel. i ma very thankfull to AI and ExcelPTP to providing this opportunity and Best learning during my enrollment.
With Regards.
Sayed Azhar,
Mobile App Developer
Syntel INC.