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The importance of project management - 10 Points to be consider

Posted By:ExcelPTP
July 06,2021
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What if all projects were held on the fly? No plans, no organization, none of that. We just brief the team on what must be done and that they jump straight in. Like baking a cake. You wouldn’t draw up an action and decide to bake one, no?

Unfortunately, most projects are complicated and multi-faceted, requiring careful planning, organizing, and auditing.

Only by having a structured path, supporting processes, and clearly described responsibilities, managers can deliver stellar conclusions while staying within the project’s constraints. However, despite overall recognition and therefore the obvious aids and advantages of project management, the zone remains underappreciated.

According to a survey by the Project Management Institute (PMI), only 58% of organizations realize the emphasis of project management and how it permits them to dramatically handle the issues they face.

Similarly, the contribution of companies that use graded project management activities across the board is approx. 23%.

Top 10 benefits of project management

Top 10 benefits of project management

With a transparent understanding of project management and having an efficient project management structure can do wonders for your organization. Project management is vital because it sets your project from being out of the outlook. Apart from stimulating productivity, improving project transparency, and providing a transparent vision to the team, these 10 benefits of project management listed below can bring the subsequent advantages to the table.

1. Consistent communication:-

No project plan is complete without a strong communication structure. Communication in project management is a particularly important aspect which will have a big effect on the performance of a team. A study analyzed the logics for project failure in the UK’s finance zone and found that communication breakdown was the main cause of failure for 57% of the studied projects.

Project managers must make sure that the entire team shares a collective end-goal and work together to realize it. The overall efficiency and productivity of the whole team gets significantly improved which results in other benefits also.

2. Effective resource allocation:-

The biggest resource any project managers have at their clearance is the team members. Project teams contain people of various backgrounds and departments and that they may need other commitments. Through proper project planning, you’ll make sure that they’re available when needed.

Also, other resources like the budget, tools, machinery, and others can be formed effectively to avoid project setbacks during the execution. Through properly allocating each resource in the beginning, you can also audit r the phases that are more demanding and prepare accordingly.

By deciding a better and efficient direction, you’ll make sure that each prioritized task is optimized to offer you maximum output at rock bottom cost.

3. Higher productivity:-

The ground of project management is interconnected with being productive. Through proper utilization of resources and having an efficient system in situ , a team can easily get more work, wipe out a shorter amount of your time and increase productivity.

4. Improved customer satisfaction:-

Retaining clients is taken into account more important than acquiring new ones and a guaranteed way of doing it’s by offering unparalleled services. An effective set of operations that fixates on quality and efficiency, would generally leave the clients feeling satisfied. This means that they might return with more business within the future.

A satisfied client would also refer your organization to other potential customers, which suggests free marketing for you. This can be an extremely active marketing blueprint for businesses.

5. More flexibility:-

As you increase your customer base, your organization would be ready to gain more capital which it can use to expand the business and hire new talent.

6. Higher risk tolerance:-

Proper planning means you’re ready for potential ‘what-if’ scenarios which will occur. This means that you are somewhat prepared to handle any unexpected occurrences that may negatively collide your project.

7. Improved morale:-

With continuous success and active performance, your team gains more confidence. Effective project managers inspire their team by incentivizing and frequently rewarding top performers to stay motivated.

8. Better planning:-

Planning a project effectively right from the beginning lays the inspiration for a successful project. Project management includes a phase for a project plan where you’ll clearly define the goals, the project scope, and therefore the timelines. It keeps your team from slowing down and avoids unnecessary authority.

While it may be fascinating to dive straight in, project management helps you in the longer run. With a strong project strategy , you can ensure that you have an agreement with the client’s requirements, get all project stakeholders on the same page, and flag risks in progress.

9. Quality control:-

Most project managers are under colossal pressure to complete the project on time. When deadlines are botched, schedules get tightened, work is rushed, and corners are cut, leading to low quality work.

Methodologies like Agile ensure the quality and bearing of the delivered product by creating a separate stage for examining and testing at every step. Proper project management also gives you dominance over the timelines and resources.

10. Learning by retrospection:-

As a project manager, you can’t afford to make the clone mistake twice. It’s also basic to do more of what went right and less of what went wrong. And, projects engender an amazing amount of knowledge.

Almost every project management methodology includes a retrospective stage at the top of the project to facilitate this. Frameworks like Scrum include periodical retrospection so you’ll learn from what went wrong throughout the course of the project.

Summary The Importance Of Project Management

Without PM, teams and clients are exposed to chaotic management, unclear targets, scarcity of resources, quixotic planning, high risk, low quality project deliverables, projects going over budget and delivered late.

Project management designs and enables happiness , inspired teams who know their work matters, so do their best work. And that project management enabled team assures the right stuff is delivered; stuff that delivers real rebound on investment, and that makes happy clients.

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